Saturday, May 16, 2009

may 16, 2009

Well of course we have been busier than busy this spring with ball, which is normal for us. Staci has had more games than Steven but that will soon change as right now Steven is playing and practicing JV ball and also practicing for pony league which games will start with as soon as school is out.
Staci's season record is better than last year so this is good and they won one tournament and today took second in another, the team seems to have been plagued with injury this year, as long as the girls don't get down on themselves they play very well and have come a ways since last year they are still a young team. I am VERY proud of how well Staci has played this year and she has had some workouts in several games as she is the only catcher so if a pitcher struggles Staci has to work extra hard, she has also had some great throw downs to second when girls have tried to steal second and they have gotten thrown out, and her batting has been very good..way to go girl.
Steven has worked hard in school ball for his first year and is having a great time to bad it ends soon. Steven has for the most part the last few years played second, shortstop or out field, primarily second, this year he has gone in to pitch a few times and done very well which he has enjoyed. Today he played with the JV-A team which he was so proud of and did a GREAT job, As grandma Kay said I am sure if they need someone again they will take Steven again so cool. I say JV-A because this year they added a B team which in reality is a freshman team but they did not want to call it that so that boys could move freely between the two teams should they need to, this is why Steven was proud to go the the "A" team.

Well after all of the explanation here are some photos from today.
How cool is this the same number!!I believe we have seen these faces before...oh yeah in a soccer picture several posts ago!

I am so proud of both of you keep up the good work what great sports you are, as well as good players that's the best part of watching you both seeing how you have grown on and off of the field!!!!!!!!

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