Thursday, May 8, 2008


Last night Staci Jo received the Sacrament of Confirmation!

This sacrament brings the gifts of the Holy Spirit from God
to us through the laying on of hands from the Bishop.

When studying for Confirmation the candidates chose a Saint whom they can relate with or who they can look to their life as an example of living his or her faith, Staci chose St. Clare of Assisi.

The person being confirmed also chooses a sponsor someone who they feel is strong in faith and will support them in the choice to live her Catholic beliefs.

Staci chose Aunt Marcie who an awesome Catholic role model, she definitely lives her faith in everything she does and shares it always. I hope that Staci knows how proud I am of her to stand publicly and embrace her faith, and choose to live by her Catholic beliefs, and responsibilities that come with doing so. Staci and her classmates are great young adults and are I am sure on to do great things for the world by living the gifts they've each been given.

Thank You Fr. Jorgenson for you support of Staci on this journey and Thank You Bishop Murray for coming to Sacred Heart and confirming Staci "It Worked"


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